Jakjemkala Imchen
4 min readSep 3, 2021

Sustainability!! What exactly is sustainability ?It is the ability to maintain something at a certain rate or level. What does it have to do with women ,you ask? Well ,women all over the world have proved themselves as dynamic, vibrant, sincere and perfect in many fields. Their efforts and role in shaping in nation’s development have proved that women in no way are inferior to men .They are efficient and perseverant enough to face all odds, challenges and obstacles and prove their genius in a male dominated society.

Whether guiding a nation with a steady hand or rising up against injustice, these leaders offer a glimpse of how to make progress under difficult circumstances from Jacinda Ardern to Kamala Harris. These women shaped their own destiny as well as their country’s destiny in such an efficient manner that made the whole society proud of them. Do you want to get in on a secret ?Come closer ,I’ll tell you, These women made all these accomplishments because of one thing ,yes you are right ,they have been practicing the act of sustainability.

Today’s educated and modern women have shed away their inhibitions and fears. Do you know? Women ,who make up half of the world’s population have benefited more than man from the progress in economic and social development in the last three decades.

Now let’s talk about the main thing we are here for.

“The liberation of the earth, the liberation of women ,the liberation of all humanity is the next step of freedom we need to work for, and it’s the next step of peace that we need to create.” -Vandana Shiva.

So many outspoken leaders have been fighting for our planet Earth for years. And of course, by no surprise, a great deal of them are powerful and inspiring women. Isn’t it high time we celebrate and recognize the women in sustainability who have made it their mission to change the world for the better ?

If you are not already following these women in sustainability, you’ll want to change that ASAP. According to a recent study conducted on the 3rd of March 2021, there are leaders in climate legislation, environmental scientists, and innovators, all of whom will go down in history for their work towards a brighter future. EXCITED YET ?

Let’s hop right in to know about some amazing and inspiring women in sustainability.

Isatou Ceesay.

Isatou Ceesay- A Gambian activist who is popularly known as the “Queen of recycling” quite literally turned trash into treasure through her recycling movement called One Plastic Bag. Using her knowledge from being a volunteer in the Peace Corps, Ceesay taught other women how to upcycle plastic bags into bags, purses, and rucksacks . With that, the N’jau Recycling and Income Generation Group was born. The movement uplifted hundred of West African, allowing them to earn an income benefiting both sides. It also greatly improved the plastic waste problem in Ceesay’s community.

Precious Brady-Davis.

Precious Brady -Davis is an influential LGBTQ rights activist and the associate regional communications director for the Sierra Club. Over the years , she’s made it her mission to educate people on how climate change is just as much as a social justice issue as it is an environment issue . Brady Davis told the Huffington Post, quoted.

“When it’s a woman’s right to choose what she does with her body, a trans woman’s right to walk down the street without being murdered, or protecting clean water and air from pollution”.

Autumn Peltier.

Will you believe me if I tell you she’s only 16 ? Here I am , nearly 20 with unwanted social anxiety, very introverted , trying my best everyday to boost my self confidence but Autumn Peltier is already making a huge impact in the sustainability space, advocating for safe and clean drinking water for all. Through her work in raising awareness about water rights, she has spoken at the United Nations World Water Day and has been honored on many occasions. She even famously confronted Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau about water protection. If I had one wish to make ,I’d ask for half of her confidence. What about you ?

The list of undescribable , amazing women goes on and there will be many more women out there making their way through. But what about us? What are we contributing to our society, it all starts with small things. I strongly believe that everyone of us have a little girl inside of us seeking for exposure but we often tend to hide ‘HER’.

Let’s all try to become the best version of ourselves, not caged but confident. Who knows ,maybe after 20 years or so, our children might read about us in articles, blogs, books and what not. Doesn’t it sound fun? So let us all try to build a brighter future for us, for others ,for the better. Yes, it will take time; a lot of time, even years but we all know that Rome was not built in a day.

So, do you accept this challenge?



Jakjemkala Imchen

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